
by: Craig Webb
For their excellent achievements in management, leadership, construction supply operations, and innovations, it earned them the deserving title of ProSales’ 2018 Dealer of the Year.

by: Kate Tyndall
The Saturday morning program turned two Parr employees into local celebrities, created a potential new source of revenue, and helped Parr reach its goal of being the go-to store for the robust Do-It-Yourselfer.

by: Kate Tyndall
Tum-a-Lum took inspiration from retail establishments for its welcoming new design, including a full wall of glass.

by: Craig Webb
Wheelhouse 20/20 provides valuable insight through voice of customer research and secret shops to Franklin Building Supply.

Wheelhouse 20/20 Shares Digital Marketing Insights
by: Scott Ericson
Four steps to creating and motivating a driven sales force.

The Humble Beginnings of Wheelhouse 20/20
by: Amy Hsuan
Over their 17 years with Parr, Jennifer and Scott developed a half dozen marketing programs. Now, they hope to sell those programs to lumberyards nationwide.

by: Scott Ericson
The website has seen a continuous increase in visitors since October 2012. Returning visitors averaged 500 in October 2012; that number now is 1,200. In total, the website has been visited over 6,000 times.

Wheelhouse 20/20 Created an Award Winning Campaign for Parr Lumber
by: John Caulfield
Parr Lumber creates a game that motivates DIY customers to visit its locations.

Wheelhouse 20/20 Founders, Jennifer Swick and Scott Ericson, Weigh in on Making Marketing Magic
by: Diane Kittower
The website has seen a continuous increase in visitors since October 2012. Returning visitors averaged 500 in October 2012; that number now is 1,200. In total, the website has been visited over 6,000 times.

Wheelhouse 20/20 Shares Digital Marketing Insights
by: LBM Journal
David Westlund of Portland-based Wheelhouse 20/20 shares how he manages social media for Idaho-based Franklin Building Supply.

by: LBM Journal
The website has seen a continuous increase in visitors since October 2012. RTough economic times require a tough sales force to take on the competition and not back down.